mark lilie, P.e.
chief executive officer
Mark Lilie, PE has served as CEO of Ensight Haynes Whaley since its founding. Though you could say he’s been practicing engineering his whole life, starting with the elaborate machines and intricate buildings he built entirely of Lego® bricks. He earned a BS in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University and started his career at Haynes Whaley Associates. Mark is a licensed structural engineer in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Alabama. He is a hands-on leader and is ultimately responsible for the outcome of every Ensight Haynes Whaley project.
“What makes me different from many engineers is that I prefer to avoid completing things ‘the hard way.’ When faced with a complex problem, I first step back rather than focusing on the problem itself, and look for a better way to create the same result. My goal is achieving the vision, not just solving the particular problem.”